Now that we are enjoying the warm weather and the sunshine, the leaves and grass are green, and then there is that other green – the mold /mildew on the north side of the outside of your house, patio, fence, and/or deck. It is so common right now if you drive down a southbound street and glance up at the north side of each house, you will see plenty of it.
Removing this mold is not difficult; you just need a little time and some preparation.
Mix some house cleaning solution (found at any hardware store) with household bleach according to instructions. Be sure to use oxygen bleach (not chlorine) as it will not remove color from wood. Protect your plants and clothing and don’t have pets or children around. Eye protection is smart too.
Use a brush with a long pole and apply it to the siding or the area you want to clean. Leave the solution on for a few minutes. Then use a garden hose to wash it off and the green goes away. Let the walls dry thoroughly, which may take 24 hours or more.
To prevent future mildew, remember to wash your home at least once year with a solution of liquid dish soap and water. A fresh looking exterior can only boost your home’s curb appeal.
So let’s get rid of green–but only the mold and mildew kind! Contact us today if we can help you with anything else related to your home this summer.