Ways to Enjoy Summer at Home

July 1, 2021 | Lifestyle & Community | By: The Goodhart Group

Staying home this summer? If a beach getaway is not in the cards this year, this summer, this post is for you. There are countless ways to enjoy summer at home. From traditional summertime activities to some “outside the box” ideas, we’ve got you covered!

Ways to Enjoy Summer at Home

  • Have a backyard campout. Put up a tent, start the fire pit, grab s’mores fixings, and spend a night under the stars!
  • Go for a hike. Looking for some new scenery? Check out our list of the best hikes in the area.
  • Start a garden. With the extra time at home, start a veggie garden, and enjoy the harvest. Here are our best tips. 
  • Go on a picnic. You don’t even need a basket. Grab some sandwiches from one of our local favorites (The Italian Place, Roseina’s, or Lori’s Table) and enjoy an al fresco lunch along the Potomac or in one of our great local parks.
  • Dust off your bike. Nothing will bring back childhood memories of summer like hopping on a bike and cruising around your neighborhood. Or take advantage of the many great biking trails in our area like the W&OD Trail, Mount Vernon Trail, or Capital Crescent.
  • Spruce up your backyard. Buy some new backyard “toys”, spend some time weeding and planting, or go for a full-on facelift in your backyard with our best tips here.
  • Foster a pet. A summer at home is the perfect time to give back and take in a pet until it finds a forever home. Check out some of our local favorites, the Animal Welfare League of Alexandria and Homeward Trails.
  • Make lemonade. Better yet, make it and have a lemonade stand to raise money for a good cause, such as childhood cancer with Alex’s Lemonade Stand.
  • Make ice cream. With this super easy recipe, you don’t even need an ice cream maker. Get creative with your favorite mix-ins.
  • Make boozy popsicles. What’s more refreshing than a popsicle on a summer day? Check out the amazing variety you can make here for your next summertime happy hour.
  • Start a new hobby. Start learning a new language. Try yoga. Take up knitting or sudoku. Test out some new recipes. You get the idea!
  • “Visit” a foreign country. If you have kids that need some excitement, pick a country, and spend a day learning about it. Read articles about the country and watch some videos. Learn a few words in that language. Dress in traditional clothing, cook the food (or go out to eat it) and play a game native to that culture.

The Bottom Line

You don’t need to get on a plane or travel to the beach to enjoy your summer. There are so many ways to enjoy a summer at home! With a little research and creativity, you’ll quickly fill your summer with fun experiences and perhaps even develop a new skill or hobby!

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