National Pizza Party Day

May 14, 2020 | Lifestyle & Community | By: Allison

For National Pizza Party Day, we thought it would be fun to highlight some of our favorite pizza places in the area, as well as a recipe to make your own pizza.  As I’ve mentioned in my DIY series, I’m basically looking for every opportunity there is to entertain toddlers, so, here’s my first attempt at making my own pizza!  For those of you who don’t know me well, I am not a natural in the kitchen, so rest assured that if I can do it,For National Pizza Party Day, we thought it would be fun to highlight some of our favorite pizza places in the area, as well as a recipe to make your own pizza ,so you can do it too!


Here’s What You’ll Need for 1 Pizza 


  • Pizza Dough (you can make your own, but yeast is impossible to find, so got mine pre-made from Whole Foods!)
  • Pizza Sauce (8 oz)
  • Flour (just a sprinkle)
  • Cornmeal (just a sprinkle)
  • Soft Mozzarella Cheese (8 oz)
  • Grated Mozzarella Cheese (8 oz)
  • Fontina Cheese (8 oz)
  • Toppings, to taste (I used pepperoni)
  • Salt & Pepper

Form your dough into a ball and place an upside bowl over it for 45 minutes to let it rise.

While the dough rises, pre-heat oven to 500 degrees. 

When the dough is ready, sprinkle flour on the counter and on your hands so it doesn’t stick and work the dough into your desired shape.  

Then, sprinkle cornmeal on top of your cookie sheet, or if you’re fancy, a pizza stone, and put the dough on top.     

Put dough in the oven for five minutes.

While the dough is in the oven, combine the fontina and grated mozzarella.  

When the dough is ready, remove the dough and add your pizza sauce, followed by the grated mozzarella and fontina mixture then finally the fresh mozzarella.  Add salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes if you’d like more flavor.

Lastly, add your toppings and put in the oven!  We used pepperoni for toppings because of course, that is Brooks’ favorite.

Bake for 7 minutes & enjoy!!

I hope you have a wonderful pizza party, whether you attempt to make your own or support one of our favorite local pizza shops around town!  For more at-home activities with toddlers, check out the rest of our DIY series here.